Formación técnica de Somfit en español (ESP1)
Formación técnica de Somfit en español (ESP1)

Este curso está dirigido a personal técnico y clínico, y abarca el uso y la educación del paciente sobre el dispositivo Somfit.

Introduction to Profusion ProDigi (INP1)
Introduction to Profusion ProDigi (INP1)

ProDigi Is a web application designed to provide rapid review, manual or automatic scoring and reporting of sleep studies managed by Compumedics Nexus 360 systems. This course is designed to provide an overview and understanding of using...

Report Template Managment (INP2)
Report Template Managment (INP2)

This course applies to those who manage or edit Somfit and Somfit Pro report templates.

Nexus 360 System Pre-implementation Guide for Management (NX0)
Nexus 360
Nexus 360 System Pre-implementation Guide for Management (NX0)

Nexus 360 System Pre-implementation. Designed to provide knowledge to management teams and business stakeholders prior to the launch of your Nexus 360 system.

NeXus 360 Cloud - User (NX1)
Nexus 360
NeXus 360 Cloud - User (NX1)

This course covers an overview of Nexus 360, patient records, referral records and appointments.

Nexus 360 - Administrators (NX2)
Nexus 360
Nexus 360 - Administrators (NX2)

Welcome to "Nexus 360 Administrators," the official online training course designed for administrators of the Compumedics Nexus 360 system. This course is designed to familiarize you with the tasks of the administrator. It is self-paced and...

How to install the Nexus 360 Control Centre (NX3)
Nexus 360
How to install the Nexus 360 Control Centre (NX3)

The Nexus 360 control centre is linked to the web application. When installed on a computer the application can be used to manage studies, including archiving, exporting, cropping, data card management, importing EDF and a simplified patient...

EDF Export in Nexus 360 (NX4)
Nexus 360
EDF Export in Nexus 360 (NX4)

This course covers how to export a study EDF in the Nexus 360 Control Centre.

Course duration:

Approx 20 minutes

Profusion PSG Export to EDF  (PSG6)
Profusion PSG Export to EDF  (PSG6)

This unit covers how to use ProFusion PSG to export a sleep study to EDF format.

Somfit Technical Training (ST1)
Somfit Technical Training (ST1)

This course is for technical and clinical staff and cover the usage and patient education of the Somfit device.

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